Friday, December 7, 2012

ASA Paper submission system open!!!

Dear Section Members,
Today the ASA Paper submission system has opened, it will close January 9th.

The Annual Meeting will be held in New York City, in mid-town, close to Central Park, MOMA, Rockefeller Center, Carnegie Hall, etc.  The Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis will have 4 sessions.  But in case we have lots of submissions, we can apply for more.  Please encourage your graduate students to submit.  It is a great way for them to present in front of--and meet--the community!  The sessions are:

1.     "Ethnomethodological Studies of Work and Organization" (organiser: Nick Llewellyn, Warwick Business School)

2.     “Linking Micro and Macro: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Contributions" (organiser: Tim Halkowski, University of Wisconsin)

3.     a session on Ethnomethodology organized by Tanya Stivers (UCLA) and

4.     a session on Conversation Analysis organized by John Heritage (UCLA)

Naturally, this is the right time to renew (or join) your ASA Section Membership for 2013.

Because we do not have acess to the submission system we would be grateful if you would inform session organisers or us that you have submitted a paper to the Section and/or a specific session.
We are looking forward to your submissions.
Kind regards, and happy holidays.
Erik & Dirk
ASA EMCA Website -

Friday, November 16, 2012

Call for papers

Hi Everyone:

I'm the organizer for next year's ASA Regular Session on CA. This will be held at the ASA's Annual Meeting in New York City on August 10-13, 2013.

Please think about submitting a paper or an extended abstract for review through the ASA website:

As you will know, the more high quality papers we can schedule, the better our chances are for increasing the number of panels we offer, so your participation is particularly important.

The deadline for submission is January 9th, 2013.

Please also pass this invitation to others you know who may be considering coming to ASA this year. The EMCA group is pushing to expand membership this year, so if you can encourage your graduate students to join up, that would also be terrific!

I look forward to hearing from you!


John Heritage
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology 
264 Haines Hall, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095-155103

Tel:  310-206-5216

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ASA EMCA Section News and Updates

Dear Members-

we hope you have had a good start into the new academic year. As we are in the last quarter of the year now, it is timely to bring to your attention a few points regarding the Section.

1) The success of the Section relies on its membership. We therefore would kindly ask you to RENEW your Membership for 2013. Dues are automatically set by ASA to a standard rate of $10 for regular/emeritus/low income members and $5 for students. Over the past years, Section membership has noticeably decreased. This is partly due to a lack of students and younger colleagues joining. Please encourage (and if you can, financially support) your students to join ASA and the EMCA Section. The dues for an ASA Student membership are $50.

2) The ASA call for papers  for the 2013 meeting in New York has been published a few weeks ago. We will have two sessions at the conference and the respective CFPs have been published on our website.

    - The section's session titled "Ethnomethodological Studies of Work and Organization" that will be held instead of the Council Meeting and will be organized by Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School)

   - The section's session titled "Linking Micro and Macro: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Contributions" which will be organized by Tim Halkowski (University of Wisconsin).  This session addresses the ASA Conference's theme "Linking micro and macro".  We welcome contributions that show ethnomethodology and conversation analysis's relevance to this theme.

There will be two further regular sessions dedicated to EMCA:

     - The regular session on Ethnomethodology will be organized by Tanya Stivers (UCLA).

     - The regular session on Conversation Analysis will be organized by John Heritage (UCLA).

The online paper submission system opens December 7th and the deadline is January 9th. Please see the ASA website for further details on the

2012 conference, and for on-line submission after December 8.

3) Over the coming years we plan to increase the Section's presence at the conference and to reach out to ASA members beyond our section. One way to achieve this is to organize a Thematic Session. In line with the theme for the ASA meetings in San Francisco in 2014 Tim Berard has disseminated a call for interested participants in such as Thematic Session with the Working session title: “Talking about Hard Times”.

Another way to achieve this is the organization of invited sessions. The deadline for proposals for Invited Sessions is February, 5 2013.  Please contact us with any suggestions.

4) As in previous years, in 2013 awards will be given to the Best Graduate Paper and the best book. There also will be  Lifetime Achievement Award and the Melvin Pollner Award. Committees for these prices are in place. For further information on how to make suggestions and submit publications to be considered for these awards please see our awards website.

5) Another way to increase the sections visibility is a presence at the regional conferences in the US. If anyone is attending a regional sociology meeting in the USA or is attending conferences elsewhere please make participants aware of activities of the ASA EMCA Section. If you normally are not attending regional meetings please consider going to and presenting at these meetings and make the importance of EMCA noticed.

6) Apart from the website of the EMCA Section on the ASA's site we now have our own website that allows us to disseminate information more flexibly. We are lucky to have found Laura Loeb (UCLA) to help us with editing and updating the site, there is more information on there than we e-mail, so please do check it regularly. There is a field on the right side of the website where you can enter your email address to make sure you receive news when the main site is updated with news. Laura also helps with the writing and editing of the Section Newsletter. Please e-mail her directly at: with any news or information that you want to be included on either the web-site or the newsletter

We are very grateful for your continued support for the Section. Please remember to renew your membership and apologies in advance for repeatedly reminding you to renew over the next few months.

Kind regards,

Dirk & Erik

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the American Sociological Association's Section on
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, we are writing to
encourage you to submit papers for the next ASA conference, to be held
in New York City, Aug. 10-13, 2013.

Deadline for Paper Submissions is January 9th, 2013. The submission
system opens on December 7th, 2012.

There will be 4 sessions dedicated to our field:

- The regular session on Ethnomethodology will be organized by Tanya
Stivers (UCLA).
- The regular session on Conversation Analysis will be organized by
John Heritage (UCLA).
- The section's session titled "Ethnomethodological Studies of Work
and Organization" that will be held instead of the Council Meeting and
will be organized by Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School)
- The section's session titled "Linking Micro and Macro:
Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Contributions" which
will be organized by Tim Halkowski (University of Wisconsin).  This
session addresses the ASA Conference's theme "Linking micro and
macro".  We welcome contributions that show ethnomethodology and
conversation analysis's relevance to this theme.
In the case that we receive a sufficient number of paper submissions, we will
request additional sessions.

The online paper submission system opens December 7th and the deadline
is January 9th. Please see the ASA website for further details on the
2012 conference, and for on-line submission after December 8.

Please note that while the ASA website states that paper submissions
must be 20 pages in length, this is not a firm requirement; papers do
not need to be of article length or ready for publication.  We hope
that the number of proposals will merit extra sessions for our section
in New York. Please start thinking about submitting now, as the
deadline will come quickly once the submission system opens!
Many thanks.

Erik and Dirk

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Section Members,

A few months after Denver, and the preparations for next year's ASA in
New York, and indeed the 2014 ASA in San Francisco after that are on
their way.

First news is that Laura Loeb has been kind enough to help us with our
newsletter and the maintenance of the web-site.  Please e-mail her
directly at: with any news or information that
you want to be included on either the web-site or the newsletter.

As you know, we are the smallest section of the ASA and have shrunk in
the last few years; retaining and indeed acquiring new members is very
important.  Please do reach out to colleagues and students to become
members.  We have sent out a survey to past members of the section to
see the reasons why they have led their membership lapse.  The
response has not been overwhelming, but the responses we received were
quite helpful, and some have led to old members renewing their
membership.  However, direct personal communication with people you
know is a much more effective way to increase our membership.  Let's
make a concerted effort.

The web-site allows people to sign up to get updates, so that is
another way for people to keep our section in mind.

We have by now established most award committees.  Our gratitude to
all those who have volunteered.  You can take a look at the awards and
their committees here, or by clicking on the "awards" tab on the main
page of the web-site.  The web-site also lists some upcoming
conferences, also accessible by clicking on the "conferences" tab on
the main web-page.

The fall newsletter will come out shortly.  Geoff Raymond, the
outgoing chair is preparing.  We thank him for his service to the

Best wishes,

Dirk vom Lehn
Erik Vinkhuyzen

Friday, September 14, 2012

Message from the new Co-Chairs

Dear Section Members,
Welcome to the Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis section blog.  We are planning to use this as the main way to communicate with our members, so please sign up to receive e-mail notifications, and you will be notified whenever the blog is updated.

We are Dirk vom Lehn and Erik Vinkhuyzen, the new Co-Chairs for the EMCA Section of the American Sociological Association.  We enjoyed the ASA's Annual Meeting in Denver this last August and want to thank Geoff Raymond for his service as section chair these past two years.  It is quite a job for two people we are finding, so thanks to Geoff for all this efforts for the section.
We are already planning for the next ASA, which will be held in New York, August 10-13. The submissions are due on January 9th, 2013, so please start planning!  Note that the ASA web-site says that full papers must be submitted, but this is not a hard requirement, and we will consider extended abstracts as well.  There will be 4 sessions dedicated to our field:

  • The regular session on Ethnomethodology will be organized by Tanya Stivers (UCLA).
  • The regular session on Conversation Analysis will be organized by John Heritage (UCLA).
  • The section's session titled "Linking Micro and Macro: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Contributions" will be organized by Tim Halkowski (University of Wisconsin).
  • The section's session that will be held instead of the Council Meeting will be organized by Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School) and is titled: "Ethnomethodological Studies of Work and Organization"
Patrick Watson (University of Waterloo) has agreed to chair the book award committee.  The award  recognizes an outstanding book (monograph or edited volume) contributing to Ethnomethodology and/or Conversation Analysis.  Eligible works must be published in one of the two calendar years preceding the ASA meeting at which the award is given.  Please contact him if you would like to have your book considered. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2013.

Jon Hindmarsh (King's College London) has agreed to be the chair of the graduate paper committee.  This award recognizes an outstanding paper written by a graduate student. Submitted papers should address ethnomethodological and/or conversation analytic topics and literature and should read well as stand-alone papers. Maximum length is 10,000 words (excluding references). We seek to support graduate students’ original and best work, so we will consider unpublished papers or articles published in any journal or book. Co-authored papers are only acceptable if all authors are students. Only scholarly essays completed/published between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 will be considered for awards made in August 2013. All nominees must be dues-paying members of the EMCA section (which requires ASA membership) for the year 2013. The Graduate Best Paper Award winner will receive $300 travel reimbursement for the ASA annual meeting in New York.
Submission deadline: March 1, 2013
Send submissions to:

Ruth Parry (University of Nottingham) was elected the new treasurer for the section, and Laura Loeb (UCLA) is the new editor for the newsletter.

We welcome section members who would like to communicate to the whole section to contact us with information that we can post on the blog.  Let's make this is a real forum for information sharing and discussion.

Best wishes,

Dirk vom Lehn
Erik Vinkhuyzen