Thursday, December 17, 2015

December newsletter

Dear EMCA Section

Our latest newsletter is available with many important news updates.
2015 December newsletter

Much as we have enjoyed serving the EMCA community for the last 18 months, all
good things do come to an end and we need a willing individual or individuals to stand for election
to chair the Section. Erik Vinkhuyzen is leading a Nominations Committee in this search, as well as
looking for candidates for two vacancies as Section Council members. Please don’t wait to be called
or for your colleagues to volunteer you – make Erik’s job easy and put your own name forward to

All the best seasons wishes

Robert, Mardi, Emily and Edward

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Call for Papers EMCA Section of ASA

Seattle, August 20-23

Submission is now open

Submission Deadline: January 6, 2016, 3PM EST

Regular Sessions  (Organized by ASA)   
Conversation Analysis.
David Gibson, University of Notre Dame

Robert Dingwall, Nottingham Trent University

Section Sessions  (Organized by the Section)

*New Directions in EM/CA Research (one-hour).
This session invites submissions from researchers who are, broadly speaking, taking EM/CA research in new directions. For example, these researchers may be using an EM/CA approach in a previously under-studied context with under-studied types of participants, or they may be researching new  interactional/practical sensemaking phenomena altogether. Alternatively, they may have made new advances in traditional areas of EM/CA scholarship.

Session Organizer:  Tim Berard, Kent State University

*Session will be 1-hour in length; followed by the Section’s 40-minute business meeting

Current Studies in Conversation Analysis
This session invites submissions from researchers who use the approach of conversation analysis to understand naturally occurring interaction. Typically, this means that researchers will make use of audio or videotaped data in real world settings, but the session is open to consideration of researchers who may use other methods to understand the close coordination of interactional conduct and the cultural and relational factors that bear on this conduct.

Session Organizer:   Mardi Kidwell, University of New Hampshire

Friday, August 28, 2015

Eric Laurier talking about relationships and talk

Eric Laurier Reader in Geography and Interaction speaking about using ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to investigate relationships.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Meeting rooms for ASA

The meeting rooms for ASA are not on the online program yet but are available on the conference app, which you can download from the main ASA website. All the EM/CA sessions (Section and Regular) are in the Lake Michigan Room on the 8th Floor of the Hilton Chicago on South Michigan. The Asymmetries in Medical Interaction session is in Room 4K on the 4th floor of that hotel, and the Thematic Session on Agnes is in the Waldorf Room on the 3rd Floor. 

See you all there.

Robert and Mardi

Monday, August 3, 2015



Date: 6 - 7 November 2015


Keynote speakers:

- Prof. Wes Sharrock, University of Manchester

- Dr. Alex Dennis, University of Sheffield

We are pleased to announce the fourth in a series of biannual meetings for doctoral students undertaking research in the allied fields of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. The meetings aim to establish, build and support a doctoral research community across the UK and Europe. Each meeting offers a mix of workshops, data sessions, reading groups, practical sessions and presentations. The idea is to provide an informal environment for students to come and share ideas, ask questions, showcase research, etc. We also want to encourage and emphasise these events as opportunities to socialise and network with your EMCA peers.

This event is free to doctoral students. Accommodation and meals will be provided, including lunch and dinner on the Friday, breakfast on the Saturday and refreshments during breaks. As places are limited, prior registration is essential. In order to register, participants are asked to briefly describe their research and indicate how they want to contribute to the event (e.g. data session, presentation, etc.) using the accompanying form. Once we have this information, we will distribute a full schedule.

Our keynote speakers, Prof. Wes Sharrock and Dr. Alex Dennis, will discuss ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and their ongoing dialogues with philosophical interlocutors. While we welcome the same diverse range of contributions that have been a feature of previous events, given the nature of our keynotes' contributions to debates that cut across ethnomethodology, conversation analysis but also the social sciences and philosophy, this event represents an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and where they stand vis-a-vis other traditions and approaches to research such as, inter alia, phenomenology, ordinary language philosophy and the broad field of science and technology studies.

We will allocate places on a first come, first served basis. Therefore to confirm attendance, please return the registration form as soon as possible to Dr. Michael Mair,<>. The meeting call can be downloaded here: NW EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting Nov 2015<> and the registration form can be downloaded here: EMCA Doctoral Network - Manchester NWDTC Registration Form<>.  Once registration is confirmed, we will ask you to provide a deposit of £20 which will be returned to you when you register in person on the 6th. We will send on information about how to make the deposit when your place is confirmed.

For informal enquiries about the event, please contact Hannah Berry,<>

Join the conversation at:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Graduate student award Elliot Hoey

We would like to congratulate Elliot Hoey on his award.

On behalf of Section Co-Chairs, Mardi Kidwell, and Robert Dingwall, I am pleased to inform the membership that the Committee for the Graduate Student Paper Award has unanimously recommended that this should be given to Elliot Hoey's paper, 'Lapse management and lapse resolution in incipient and sustained states of talk'. Their citation reads

This paper offers a remarkably elegant expression of conversation analysis, where the structure of the paper goes hand in hand with the development of its analysis, and where the latter brings together a systematic analysis of single instances, a clear command of previous and current literature, and an original “point” of (potentially) groundbreaking relevance for further EMCA research. Written by a graduate student, it displays not only clarity and concision as a formal achievement, but also an insightful, systematic and subtle analysis with important implications for EMCA as research domain, in and beyond sociology. The empirical focus on “lapses” in states of sustained and incipient talk proves a strategic choice. Indeed, it allows the author to demonstrate how “discontinuities in talk (and other activities) (i.e., lapses) are a noteworthy site for inspecting the ways that overall structural organization reaches into the local production of talk-and-other-conduct in interaction” (from the conclusion, p. 21). By analyzing in perspicuous detail how “overall structural organization” appears to be a participants’ pervasive practical concern, the paper offers an insightful example of how various analytic interests in EMCA might be integrated (turns, sequences, information, membership categories, closings, etc.). Talk is thus reexamined, re-embedded, and re-specified as a members’ phenomenon, part and parcel of the occasion or encounter that it achieves.

Also now is the time to submit for the newsletter, send us your news!

Edward Reynolds, Webmaster EMCA-ASA

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Call for contributions EMCA newsletter

Dear Section

Have you recently published a book? Are there any local conferences or symposium coming up? Any new job postings? New awards? Some promising new graduate students to profile?
Submit to the EMCA newsletter! Eager editor Emily Hoffstetter is awaiting your contributions! email with details or questions.

No contribution too trivial! We want your new news!

Edward Reynolds
EMCA Section webmaster

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Please VOTE for Ethno/CA Officers by JUNE 6

ASA voting members should have received ballots in April for general and section elections.  We have  one seat open for Secretary/Treasurer and two seats open for Council Member.  The candidates are as follows:

Secretary Treasurer:
Bob Moore 
Kevin Whitehead

Council Member:
Kaoru Hayano
Waverly Duck

Council Member:
Morana Alec
Lisa Mikesell

The ballot contains more information about the candidates for both the section and general elections.  If you believe you should have received a ballot but haven't come across it yet, check your junk mail and/or contact

CFP WORKING THE INTERACTIONIST TRADITION: Contributions, Legacies, and Prospects

WORKING THE INTERACTIONIST TRADITION: Contributions, Legacies, and Prospects
The University of Salford, Manchester • MediaCityUK Campus, 29–31 July 2015

We welcome submissions from scholars using interactionist or related approaches in established fields including communication, crime and deviance, education, embodiment, emotion, health and illness, identity, organisations and work, and urban life—as well as from
those working in newer areas, such as digital cultures, or those deploying innovative methods and techniques. 

To include a wider range of sessions the call for papers has been extended to 1st June 2015.

The MediaCityUK Campus is at the heart of six global BBC departments and a mass of independent creative, digital and media organisations. It is a short walk to the Lowry theatre and gallery, Imperial War Museum North and the Manchester United football
ground. There are many shops, bars, and restaurants nearby. Interactionism has a distinguished record as a vigorous way of
investigating the diversity, richness and complexity of contemporary social life. This will be a truly interdisciplinary forum for those
using interactionist or related approaches to understand the social and cultural realities of contemporary societies.

Special sessions will include a Meet the Author discussion with Dirk Vom Lehn about his widely-praised introductory text, Harold Garfinkel and a Round Table on Erving Goffman, featuring Greg Smith, Philip Manning and Yves Winkin. 

Join us! 

More details at 

Awards announcements

Two award announcements for the EMCA book award and lifetime achievement award.

The EMCA book award committee has completed its work - the next EMCA book award will go to Ken Liberman for his book ‘More Studies of Ethnomethodology,’ (SUNY Press).

And the lifetime achievement award goes to Jeff Coulter. 

some excerpts from letters of recommendation

(1)Coulter’s scholarly efforts are broad and interdisciplinary in nature,  applying “ethnomethodological and conversation analytic insights to a wide variety of mental and epistemic phenomena relevant to” a number of areas in sociology, psychology and cognitive science.  His publication record is substantial, including four influential books.

(2) Coulter is characterized as very knowledgeable, generous with his time and attention, with a strong commitment to teaching. With his colleagues
Psathas and Lynch he has trained a number of PhD students, many of them in the EM/CA area. The training of students in is of special importance for the vitality of the field and for Boston University as a notable site of
ethnomethodological training.

(3) Coulter’s professional service is significant, including his time as Associate Editor of Human Studies, and on the editorial boards o of Theory and Psychology and The Human Context.

(4) “…Jeff Coulter has distinguished himself on many fronts as a very serious and very productive scholar for over forty years, during which time he has contributed tremendously to the production and dissemination of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic scholarship… [He] was a central figure in the development of ethnomethodological and conversation-
analytic scholarship around Manchester and Boston for forty years or more, in developments which had great relevance for the entire international community of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic scholars. Both directly and indirectly, alone and with others, Jeff Coulter has made tremendous contributions to our scholarly community and our record of scholarship and is highly deserving of a lifetime achievement award from our section.”

We congratulate both award winners and hope you can join us in Chicago this year when we present them with their awards.

Edward Reynolds/ Robert Dingwall/ Mardi Kidwell


National Science Foundation (NSF) research funding for the social sciences is threatened with a 45% cut in a bill that will be debated on the House floor during the week of May 18.  I urge you to write to your member of Congress before that debate.
You can do this easily right now. Go to the COSSA Action Center to sign up and take actionby asking your representative to oppose the America COMPETES Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806).
On April 15, House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith introduced the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1806), the authorization bill for the National Science Foundation (NSF). Like last year’s version of this legislation (the FIRST Act), this bill sets arbitrary funding levels for NSF’s research directorates and would impose a massive 45% cut on the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE)--effectively eliminating grant funding for sociology and the other social sciences.
COSSA’s full analysis of the bill can be found here.
I hope that social scientists will not sit on the sidelines while issues as vital as sustaining the major source of federal funding for basic social science research are being debated. Unfortunately, many public officials do not feel that basic social science research is a critical public good.  But it can make a difference when they hear from their constituents!  That’s why I urge you to contact your representatives
In addition, I suggest that you contact your university officials to ensure they are focusing on this threat to basic social science research and are letting members of Congress know the potential harm the Representatives are doing to U.S. universities.
With thanks for your support,

Paula England
President, American Sociological Association
Justin Anthony Lini MA
Program Coordinator, Governance and Information Systems
American Sociological Association
(202) 383-9005 x 330 -

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Dear All 
The EM/CA sessions at ASA are listed below, shorthand for the session titles.

10:30 - 11:30 Section session: Ethnomethodological Studies of Work
11:30 - 12:10 Business Meeting and Awards
14:30 - 16:10 Section session: Current Developments in CA
16:30 - 18:10 Regular session: Ethnomethodology
18:30 - 20:30 Section Reception

08:30 - 10:10 Regular session: CA in medicine
10:30 - 12:10 Teaching Workshop
14:30 - 16:10 Regular session: CA

16:30 - 18:10 Thematic session on Garfinkel's Agnes study

Full information is at

Monday, April 6, 2015

Spring 2015 newsletter

The 2015 ASA Spring Newsletter is available now (via the link). With news on the lifetime achievement award call and a new mentoring program it should be of interest to all EMCA scholars.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award for 2015

The Association for Humanist Sociology is pleased to announce The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award for 2015. Authors, publishers, and AHS members may nominate books for consideration. The winner will be recognized at our annual meeting October 21-25, 2015 in Portland, OR. Nominations should be for Sociology or interdisciplinary social science books that approach their subjects from a humanist perspective.

Founded in 1976, the Association sees its mission to strive as professionals, as scholars and as activists to uncover and address social issues. We view people not merely as products of social forces, but also as agents in their lives and the world. We are committed to a sociology that contributes to a more humane, equal, and just society.

Eligible books should have been published in the calendar year 2014 or the first half of 2015. If a book was submitted for last year's consideration, it cannot be nominated again.

To nominate a book, authors/publishers/nominators should e-mail a letter of nomination with the subject line “Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Nomination” to Daina Cheyenne Harvey at Authors/publishers should send one copy of the book to each of the award committee members listed below. The deadline for nominations is May 15, 2015. Additional information about AHS is available at

The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Committee (2015)

Daina Cheyenne Harvey – Committee Chair
College of the Holy Cross
1 College St.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Worcester, MA 01610

Jill Bystydzienski
519 Evergreen Circle
Worthington, OH 43085

W. Carson Byrd
University of Louisville
Department of Pan-African Studies
Strickler Hall, Room 438
Louisville, KY 40292

Sarah Ovink
1209 Brook Circle
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Deadline Extended to April 10: EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award

Deadline Extended to April 10:  EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award
This award recognizes those who have made distinguished lifetime career contributions to the fields of ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. To nominate an individual for this award, please submit the following:
 1) A letter detailing the nominee’s contributions to EMCA;
 2) Relevant supporting materials, including a list of the nominee’s publications; and
 3) At least two additional external letters speaking to the person’s contributions and impact on the field(s)

Please send nominations to Don Zimmerman (chair), by April 10.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

CFP SPQ methods and methodology

Call for Papers
Special Issue of Social Psychology Quarterly

“Methodological Advances and Applications in Social Psychology”
As social psychologists work to advance theory, they often are limited by their methodological toolbox. In response, researchers search for or develop new methodological approaches. Importantly, social psychologists have addressed this issue from both quantitative and qualitative orientations. Many theoretical questions also have motivated the growing use of mixed-methods. There has not been a “focused” outlet for these methodological developments within social psychology.
This special issue provides an outlet for showcasing new methodological approaches, share how methodologies commonly used in other disciplines can be adapted to social psychological investigations, and provide empirical examples of the application of new methods for social psychologists. The special issue will primarily include manuscripts that focus on the link between social psychological theory and methodological developments. As the focus is on methodological issues, the manuscripts would not include a lengthy theoretical development, but rather outline the theoretical issues at stake and why the methodological approach advances our empirical understanding of the theory. The special issue will also provide an outlet for research notes that demonstrate the use of a methodological technique to address a social psychological research question and would be shorter.
The special issue calls for papers that advance our understanding and application of quantitative applications and formulations, qualitative strategies and developments, and the use of mixed approaches to address theoretically driven social psychological questions in new ways. We envision papers that:
·         Demonstrate the application of a method to a theoretical question in social psychology. The relationship between theory and method could focus on how the method advances our theoretical understanding, or how the theoretical question has pushed the methodological advancement.
·         New methodological approaches in social psychology.
·         Application of a method from another field to address a social psychological issue.
·         Advancement and refinements in methodological applications currently used in social psychology.
Examples of topics might include:
·         Use of media, including visual, electronic and social media to measure social phenomena
·         Reflexive narratives, advances in conversation analysis, grounded theory, ethnography, or discourse analysis
·         Network applications
·         Experimental advancements and extensions, including field experiments and online experiments
·         Online survey techniques
·         Neuroscience applications
·         Methodological problems/issues/debates as they relate to social psychological theory and empirical data, including their limitations
·         New statistical approaches, e.g. Bayesian models, Response Surface Analysis, etc.
·         Digital science applications
·         Big data

The deadline for submitting papers is December 15, 2015. The usual ASA requirements for submission apply (see “Notice for Contributors”). Papers may be submitted at  Please indicate in a cover letter that you would like your submission to be considered for the special issue. Prospective authors should feel free to communicate with the coeditors ( or or special issue qualitative and quantitative editors Kathy Charmaz ( and Jane Sell ( about the appropriateness of their papers.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dirk Von Lehn book on Garfinkel wins book title award

The EMCA section is proud to announce that Dirk vom Lehn's book "Harold Garfinkel:The Creation and Development of Ethnomethodology" was one of six titles to be selected as an Outstanding Academic Title by Choice magazine, a publication of the American Library Association. More information can be found in the news room section of the Lest Coast Press.

Congratulations to Dirk!

Robert, Mardi and Edward

Monday, January 5, 2015

ASA CFP now open

The deadline for submitting to the ASA meeting in Chicago is fast approaching—January 7 by 3:00 PM EST.

Call for papers.  Please share with all who may be interested.

ASA, Chicago, August 22-25, 2015.

Consider submitting your work to the Ethno/CA section of the American Sociological Association!  

Submissions will be accepted from December 5 to January 7, 2015. 

For more information contact Robert Dingwall or Mardi Kidwell

Friday, January 2, 2015

Suggestion to rename "EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award" to "Harold Garfinkel Lifetime Achievement Award"

Dear EMCA Section Members,

I hope you've had a splendid start into 2015.

Today, I contact you with a short query or suggestion that has come from various members and people interested in EMCA.

Our Section currently has four awards, one of which is the "EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award". We wondered what members would think of a renaming of this award to "Harold Garfinkel Lifetime Achievement Award"?

Please do contact the Section Co-Chairs Robert Dingwall and/or Mardi Kidwell or me with your thoughts on this suggestion.

Kind regards