Friday, August 22, 2014

‘Developments in Ethnomethodology: diaspora and interdisciplinary’ (One Day Conference at the University of Manchester, 17 September 2014)

‘Developments in Ethnomethodology:  diaspora and interdisciplinary

As part of the celebration of 50 years of Sociology at Manchester University, a one-day conference will be held on 17th September 2014 at the School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester (10am-5pm, room tbc).

The event is free and all staff and students are welcome.

Speakers include Wes Sharrock, Rod Watson, Graham Button, Philippe Sormani, Phil Hutchinson and Michael Mair.

Further details shall be forthcoming. For more information contact  or

The conference is in honour of 50 years of Sociology at Manchester University. Part of the celebrations has also been interviews with leading Manchester sociologists, of which Wes is one. He is also the longest serving current member of staff in the Sociology department. My interview with him in July 2014 can be found on You Tube below:

Friday, August 8, 2014

ASA 2014 Conference Schedule Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section

The following is the latest schedule of sessions for our sessions. Please also check the program for Roundtables with EMCA representation.

Regular Session. The Management of Interactional Challenges in the Workplace
Mon, August 18, 8:30 to 10:10am,

Session Organizer
        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

Individual Submissions
        Interactional Elements of False Confessions and Police Interrogations - Gary C. David, Bentley University

        Some Interactional Practices Related to Long Telephone Service Calls - Margaret Szymanski, Xerox Innovation Group; Michaele Smith, California State University-East Bay

        Dealing with In-betweeners: Managing the Status of Objects on Street-markets - Dirk vom Lehn, King's College London

        What Went Right: Interactional Strategies in a Successful 911 Emergency Call - Angela Cora Garcia, Bentley University

Regular Session. The Interactional Production of Identity and Authority
Mon, August 18, 10:30am to 12:10pm,

Session Organizer
        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

Individual Submissions
        Children's Responses to Questions in Peer Interaction: Evidence for an Emerging Accountability - Tanya Stivers, University of California-Los Angeles; Jack Sidnell, University of Toronto; Clara Bergen, University of California-Los Angeles

        The Interactional Production of a Clinical Fact in a Case of Autism - Jason Turowetz, University of Wisconsin-Madison

        Directives and their Accounts: A Case Study of Institutional Talk in Guide/Client Interactions - Anne White, University of California-Los Angeles

        When We Eat We Sit Down: Caregivers Using of the First Person Plural Pronoun - Darcey Searles, State University of New Jersey-Rutgers

Regular Session. Social Action and Epistemics
Mon, August 18, 4:30 to 6:10pm,

Session Organizer
        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

        Virginia Teas Gill, Illinois State University

Individual Submissions
        Repetition in Action: Repair, Newsmarking, Registration, Extraction - John Heritage, University of California-Los Angeles

        Expanding and Challenging the Relevance of Experience: Epistemic and Deontic Incongruities in Radio Phone-Ins - Wytske Versteeg, University of Twente; Hedwig te Molder, Wageningen University

        Experiential Assessments and Attributive Assessments: Managing Territories of Experience in Conversation - Kaoru Hayano, Ochanomizu University

        Ignorance at Risk: Interaction at the Knowledge Boundary of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme - David R. Gibson, University of Notre Dame

Section Session. Studies of Healthcare Work
Tue, August 19, 12:30 to 2:10pm,

Session Organizer
        Gary C. David, Bentley University

        Gary C. David, Bentley University

Individual Submissions
        Closing the Deal: The Role of Symptomatic Relief in Primary Care Treatment Discussions - Clara Ann Blomgren Bergen, University of California-Los Angeles

        Information-sharing and Treatment Proposal in Breast Cancer Consultations - Francesca Alby, University of Rome; Mattia Baruzzo, Sapienza University of Rome; Marilena Fatigante, Sapienza University of Rome; Cristina Zucchermaglio, Sapienza University of Rome

        Tactility as a Resource for the Organization of Interaction - Aug Nishizaka, Meiji Gakuin University

        The Common-senses of Homeopathy: A Study of Meaning Making in Homeopathic Consultations - Will Gibson, University of London

Section Session. Current Studies in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis
Tue, August 19, 10:30am to 12:10pm,

Session Organizer
        Douglas W. Maynard, University of Wisconsin-Madison

        Douglas W. Maynard, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Individual Submissions
        Reference to Recipients in the Negotiation of Identity and Action - Chase Wesley Raymond, University of California-Los Angeles

        Emotional Specialist or Emotional Wrecks? Emotional Labor in Police Civilian-interactions - Kenly E. Brown, University of California-Berkeley; Daisy Angelica Gonzales, University of California-Santa Barbara

        Interviewing Presidential Candidates on Celebrity Talk Shows - Laura Loeb, University of California-Los Angeles

        Closing Matters II: Project Completion and Call Closings in Mundane Telephone Calls - Geoffrey Raymond, University of California-Santa Barbara; Don Howard Zimmerman, University of California-Santa Barbara

Section Session. Topics and Methods in EMCA Studies of Work (one-hour)
Tue, August 19, 8:30 to 9:30am,

Session Organizer
        Robert J. Moore, IBM Research - Almaden

        Jack Whalen, Aalto University

Individual Submissions
        Garfinkel’s Studies of Work: Revisiting a Proposal for an “Improbable Sociology” - Michael Lynch, Cornell University

        Practice-based Video Analysis: A DIY Tutorial in EM 3.0* - Philippe Sormani, University of Vienna

        What can Automated Transcription Offer Conversation Analysts Today? - Robert J. Moore, IBM Research - Almaden

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Membership Renewal appeal by incoming Section Co-chair Robert Dingwall

As incoming co-chair, can I reinforce Dirk and Erik’s message about renewing your subscription to the section and encouraging any benevolent ASA member friends to join.  Dirk and Erik have appealed to your competitive spirit but I prefer appeals to self-interest! Many of you may not realise that the number of panels the section can run depends on the number of members we have by the end of September.  If you think you want to come to Chicago and present a paper – or even just listen to a lot of interesting papers – then boosting membership is absolutely critical.  If we don’t have the slots, we can’t accept the papers. For a lot of us that means we don’t get our fares paid and who wants to miss out on all the excitement of ASA in one of the world’s great cities. I love Chicago and I want to share it with lots of you – please help the co-chairs to help you by getting as many people signed up as possible by September 30. 

Robert Dingwall

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Animals & Society

Dear EMCA-ers,

As you know Dirk and I are in the final months of time as co-chairs of our section.  We feel that we have achieved a lot in the past two years--from the setting up of our own web-site, to the creation of the most colorful newsletter (thanks to Laura Loeb), to a very successful ASA in NYC last year and another one coming up in San Francisco.

We also increased our membership last year compared to the year before.  This year our membership is lagging a bit compared to last year, no doubt in part due to the ICCA conference in UCLA which was such a hit with many of our members.  So a slight drop in membership was to be expected and we think that Robert Dingwall and Mardi Kidwell will surely increase our numbers once again next year.

All that being said, there is one goal Dirk and I have not yet achieved, and we need your help with most urgently.  As of today, our membership count is still lower than that of the section Animals & Society, ASA’s second smallest section.  It has been Dirk and my abiding concern that we catch them before our time is up, so we ask that you please ask members of other sections that you know to also chip in the $5 to become a member of EMCA so we can restore our honorable section to its proper place in the hierarchy of sections: firmly above Animals and Society.
