Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Call for Nominations for Section Awards at ASA 2016

Garfinkel-Sacks Award for Distinguished Scholarship

This award recognizes those who have made distinguished lifetime career contributions to the fields of ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. To nominate an individual for this award, please submit the following:
1) A letter detailing the nominee's contributions to EMCA;
2) Relevant supporting materials, including a list of the nominee's
publications; and
3) At least two additional external letters speaking to the person's contributions and impact on the field(s)

Please send nominations to John Heritage (Chair) (heritage@soc.ucla.edu) by
March 1.

EMCA Distinguished Book Award

This award recognizes an outstanding publication contributing to ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. The 2017 award will be given to a book. Eligible books for the 2017 award must be published between September 1, 2014 and February 28, 2017, inclusively. Authors can submit their own publications, or nominations can be made on their behalf. Committee members may also make their own nominations.

Nominations should include 1) full bibliographic information on the nominated publication; and 2) a PDF copy (preferable) or a hard copy of the article, chapter or book; or a link to a web site where the article, chapter or book can be downloaded in full at no charge.

Please send nominations to Steve Clayman (chair) (clayman@soc.ucla.edu) by March 1

EMCA Graduate Student Paper Award

This award recognizes an outstanding publication contributing to ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. The 2016 award will be given to a paper. Eligible papers for the 2016 award must be published between September 1, 2014 and February 28, 2017, inclusively. Authors can submit their own publications, or nominations can be made on their behalf. Committee members may also make their own nominations.

Please send nominations to Michael Mair (chair)(michael.mair@liverpool.ac.uk) by March 1.

Melvin Pollner (1940-2007) Prize in Ethnomethodology

The Melvin Pollner Prize in Ethnomethodology honors the intellectual spirit and memory of Melvin Pollner. The $1000 award recognizes an article, chapter, or book published between 2011-2016, that develops original work drawing upon, or resonant with, Melvin Pollner's ethnomethodological interests in topics such as mundane reason, reality disjunctures, radical reflexivity, and the connections and contributions of ethnomethodology to other types of sociology.

Nominations should include 1) full bibliographic information on the nominated publication; 2) a PDF copy (preferable) or a hard copy of the article, chapter or
book; or a link to a web site where the article, chapter or book can be downloaded in full at no charge, and 3) a brief description of the publication's special contribution and how it reflects the spirit of the award.

Please submit nominations to David Gibson (Chair) (dgibson1@nd.edu) by March 1.

ASA CFP 2017

Dear Colleagues,

Paper submissions for the 2017 American Sociological Association Annual meeting, to be held in Montreal, Canada, August 12-15, opened on November 1 (see http://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/17pgm_call_for_papers.pdf). We encourage you to submit a paper or extended abstract for review as soon as possible. 

We will hold two types of sessions:
(1) Regular sessions 
Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.*
Organizer: Anne Warfield Rawls, Bentley University
* Note that we had Regular sessions on Conversation Analysis and Ethnomethodology separately in Seattle, 2016, but they appear to have been integrated for next year.

(2) Section sessions 
(a) New Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Research (one-hour). 
Organizer: Aug Nishizaka, Chiba University
(b) Invited Session to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the publication of Harold Garfinkel’s Studies in Ethnomethodology and the 25th anniversary of Harvey Sack’s Lectures on Conversation: “The relevance of Garfinkel’s studies for CA research today” with panelists Mike Lynch, Geoffrey Raymond, Eric Livingston, and Johannes Wagner.
Organizer: Ken Liberman, University of Oregon

Although Section session (a) can accommodate only three papers, the more high quality submissions for Regular sessions we receive, the more additional sessions for us we may be able to request. So please do submit and encourage your students and colleagues to submit. The absolute deadline is January 11, 2017, but please consider submitting earlier than that.

The following URL includes instructions for submission:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Anne (ARawls@bentley.edu) about Regular sessions (she would be very happy to provide comments and suggestions on your proposals in advance of submission) and Aug (augnish@chiba-u.jp) about the open Section session.

Anne Rawls (Regular session organizer);

Kenneth Liberman (liberman@uoregon.edu) and Aug Nishizaka (EMCA section co-chairs)