Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Call for Papers EMCA Section of ASA

Seattle, August 20-23

Submission is now open

Submission Deadline: January 6, 2016, 3PM EST

Regular Sessions  (Organized by ASA)   
Conversation Analysis.
David Gibson, University of Notre Dame

Robert Dingwall, Nottingham Trent University

Section Sessions  (Organized by the Section)

*New Directions in EM/CA Research (one-hour).
This session invites submissions from researchers who are, broadly speaking, taking EM/CA research in new directions. For example, these researchers may be using an EM/CA approach in a previously under-studied context with under-studied types of participants, or they may be researching new  interactional/practical sensemaking phenomena altogether. Alternatively, they may have made new advances in traditional areas of EM/CA scholarship.

Session Organizer:  Tim Berard, Kent State University

*Session will be 1-hour in length; followed by the Section’s 40-minute business meeting

Current Studies in Conversation Analysis
This session invites submissions from researchers who use the approach of conversation analysis to understand naturally occurring interaction. Typically, this means that researchers will make use of audio or videotaped data in real world settings, but the session is open to consideration of researchers who may use other methods to understand the close coordination of interactional conduct and the cultural and relational factors that bear on this conduct.

Session Organizer:   Mardi Kidwell, University of New Hampshire