Friday, August 28, 2015

Eric Laurier talking about relationships and talk

Eric Laurier Reader in Geography and Interaction speaking about using ethnomethodology and conversation analysis to investigate relationships.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Meeting rooms for ASA

The meeting rooms for ASA are not on the online program yet but are available on the conference app, which you can download from the main ASA website. All the EM/CA sessions (Section and Regular) are in the Lake Michigan Room on the 8th Floor of the Hilton Chicago on South Michigan. The Asymmetries in Medical Interaction session is in Room 4K on the 4th floor of that hotel, and the Thematic Session on Agnes is in the Waldorf Room on the 3rd Floor. 

See you all there.

Robert and Mardi

Monday, August 3, 2015



Date: 6 - 7 November 2015


Keynote speakers:

- Prof. Wes Sharrock, University of Manchester

- Dr. Alex Dennis, University of Sheffield

We are pleased to announce the fourth in a series of biannual meetings for doctoral students undertaking research in the allied fields of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. The meetings aim to establish, build and support a doctoral research community across the UK and Europe. Each meeting offers a mix of workshops, data sessions, reading groups, practical sessions and presentations. The idea is to provide an informal environment for students to come and share ideas, ask questions, showcase research, etc. We also want to encourage and emphasise these events as opportunities to socialise and network with your EMCA peers.

This event is free to doctoral students. Accommodation and meals will be provided, including lunch and dinner on the Friday, breakfast on the Saturday and refreshments during breaks. As places are limited, prior registration is essential. In order to register, participants are asked to briefly describe their research and indicate how they want to contribute to the event (e.g. data session, presentation, etc.) using the accompanying form. Once we have this information, we will distribute a full schedule.

Our keynote speakers, Prof. Wes Sharrock and Dr. Alex Dennis, will discuss ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and their ongoing dialogues with philosophical interlocutors. While we welcome the same diverse range of contributions that have been a feature of previous events, given the nature of our keynotes' contributions to debates that cut across ethnomethodology, conversation analysis but also the social sciences and philosophy, this event represents an excellent opportunity for participants to discuss ethnomethodology, conversation analysis and where they stand vis-a-vis other traditions and approaches to research such as, inter alia, phenomenology, ordinary language philosophy and the broad field of science and technology studies.

We will allocate places on a first come, first served basis. Therefore to confirm attendance, please return the registration form as soon as possible to Dr. Michael Mair,<>. The meeting call can be downloaded here: NW EMCA Doctoral Network Meeting Nov 2015<> and the registration form can be downloaded here: EMCA Doctoral Network - Manchester NWDTC Registration Form<>.  Once registration is confirmed, we will ask you to provide a deposit of £20 which will be returned to you when you register in person on the 6th. We will send on information about how to make the deposit when your place is confirmed.

For informal enquiries about the event, please contact Hannah Berry,<>

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