Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Graduate student award Elliot Hoey

We would like to congratulate Elliot Hoey on his award.

On behalf of Section Co-Chairs, Mardi Kidwell, and Robert Dingwall, I am pleased to inform the membership that the Committee for the Graduate Student Paper Award has unanimously recommended that this should be given to Elliot Hoey's paper, 'Lapse management and lapse resolution in incipient and sustained states of talk'. Their citation reads

This paper offers a remarkably elegant expression of conversation analysis, where the structure of the paper goes hand in hand with the development of its analysis, and where the latter brings together a systematic analysis of single instances, a clear command of previous and current literature, and an original “point” of (potentially) groundbreaking relevance for further EMCA research. Written by a graduate student, it displays not only clarity and concision as a formal achievement, but also an insightful, systematic and subtle analysis with important implications for EMCA as research domain, in and beyond sociology. The empirical focus on “lapses” in states of sustained and incipient talk proves a strategic choice. Indeed, it allows the author to demonstrate how “discontinuities in talk (and other activities) (i.e., lapses) are a noteworthy site for inspecting the ways that overall structural organization reaches into the local production of talk-and-other-conduct in interaction” (from the conclusion, p. 21). By analyzing in perspicuous detail how “overall structural organization” appears to be a participants’ pervasive practical concern, the paper offers an insightful example of how various analytic interests in EMCA might be integrated (turns, sequences, information, membership categories, closings, etc.). Talk is thus reexamined, re-embedded, and re-specified as a members’ phenomenon, part and parcel of the occasion or encounter that it achieves.

Also now is the time to submit for the newsletter, send us your news!

Edward Reynolds, Webmaster EMCA-ASA