Friday, March 20, 2015

The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award for 2015

The Association for Humanist Sociology is pleased to announce The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award for 2015. Authors, publishers, and AHS members may nominate books for consideration. The winner will be recognized at our annual meeting October 21-25, 2015 in Portland, OR. Nominations should be for Sociology or interdisciplinary social science books that approach their subjects from a humanist perspective.

Founded in 1976, the Association sees its mission to strive as professionals, as scholars and as activists to uncover and address social issues. We view people not merely as products of social forces, but also as agents in their lives and the world. We are committed to a sociology that contributes to a more humane, equal, and just society.

Eligible books should have been published in the calendar year 2014 or the first half of 2015. If a book was submitted for last year's consideration, it cannot be nominated again.

To nominate a book, authors/publishers/nominators should e-mail a letter of nomination with the subject line “Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Nomination” to Daina Cheyenne Harvey at Authors/publishers should send one copy of the book to each of the award committee members listed below. The deadline for nominations is May 15, 2015. Additional information about AHS is available at

The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Committee (2015)

Daina Cheyenne Harvey – Committee Chair
College of the Holy Cross
1 College St.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Worcester, MA 01610

Jill Bystydzienski
519 Evergreen Circle
Worthington, OH 43085

W. Carson Byrd
University of Louisville
Department of Pan-African Studies
Strickler Hall, Room 438
Louisville, KY 40292

Sarah Ovink
1209 Brook Circle
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Deadline Extended to April 10: EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award

Deadline Extended to April 10:  EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award
This award recognizes those who have made distinguished lifetime career contributions to the fields of ethnomethodology and/or conversation analysis. To nominate an individual for this award, please submit the following:
 1) A letter detailing the nominee’s contributions to EMCA;
 2) Relevant supporting materials, including a list of the nominee’s publications; and
 3) At least two additional external letters speaking to the person’s contributions and impact on the field(s)

Please send nominations to Don Zimmerman (chair), by April 10.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

CFP SPQ methods and methodology

Call for Papers
Special Issue of Social Psychology Quarterly

“Methodological Advances and Applications in Social Psychology”
As social psychologists work to advance theory, they often are limited by their methodological toolbox. In response, researchers search for or develop new methodological approaches. Importantly, social psychologists have addressed this issue from both quantitative and qualitative orientations. Many theoretical questions also have motivated the growing use of mixed-methods. There has not been a “focused” outlet for these methodological developments within social psychology.
This special issue provides an outlet for showcasing new methodological approaches, share how methodologies commonly used in other disciplines can be adapted to social psychological investigations, and provide empirical examples of the application of new methods for social psychologists. The special issue will primarily include manuscripts that focus on the link between social psychological theory and methodological developments. As the focus is on methodological issues, the manuscripts would not include a lengthy theoretical development, but rather outline the theoretical issues at stake and why the methodological approach advances our empirical understanding of the theory. The special issue will also provide an outlet for research notes that demonstrate the use of a methodological technique to address a social psychological research question and would be shorter.
The special issue calls for papers that advance our understanding and application of quantitative applications and formulations, qualitative strategies and developments, and the use of mixed approaches to address theoretically driven social psychological questions in new ways. We envision papers that:
·         Demonstrate the application of a method to a theoretical question in social psychology. The relationship between theory and method could focus on how the method advances our theoretical understanding, or how the theoretical question has pushed the methodological advancement.
·         New methodological approaches in social psychology.
·         Application of a method from another field to address a social psychological issue.
·         Advancement and refinements in methodological applications currently used in social psychology.
Examples of topics might include:
·         Use of media, including visual, electronic and social media to measure social phenomena
·         Reflexive narratives, advances in conversation analysis, grounded theory, ethnography, or discourse analysis
·         Network applications
·         Experimental advancements and extensions, including field experiments and online experiments
·         Online survey techniques
·         Neuroscience applications
·         Methodological problems/issues/debates as they relate to social psychological theory and empirical data, including their limitations
·         New statistical approaches, e.g. Bayesian models, Response Surface Analysis, etc.
·         Digital science applications
·         Big data

The deadline for submitting papers is December 15, 2015. The usual ASA requirements for submission apply (see “Notice for Contributors”). Papers may be submitted at  Please indicate in a cover letter that you would like your submission to be considered for the special issue. Prospective authors should feel free to communicate with the coeditors ( or or special issue qualitative and quantitative editors Kathy Charmaz ( and Jane Sell ( about the appropriateness of their papers.