The Association for Humanist Sociology is pleased to
announce The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award for 2015. Authors,
publishers, and AHS members may nominate books for consideration. The winner
will be recognized at our annual meeting October 21-25, 2015 in Portland, OR.
Nominations should be for Sociology or interdisciplinary social science books
that approach their subjects from a humanist perspective.
Founded in 1976, the Association sees its mission to
strive as professionals, as scholars and as activists to uncover and address
social issues. We view people not merely as products of social forces, but also
as agents in their lives and the world. We are committed to a sociology that
contributes to a more humane, equal, and just society.
Eligible books should have been published in the
calendar year 2014 or the first half of 2015. If a book was submitted for last
year's consideration, it cannot be nominated again.
To nominate a book, authors/publishers/nominators
should e-mail a letter of nomination with the subject line “Betty and Alfred
McClung Lee Book Award Nomination” to Daina Cheyenne Harvey at Authors/publishers should send one copy of the book
to each of the award committee members listed below. The deadline for
nominations is May 15, 2015. Additional information about AHS is available at
The Betty and Alfred McClung Lee Book Award Committee
Daina Cheyenne Harvey – Committee Chair
College of the Holy Cross
1 College St.
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Worcester, MA 01610
Jill Bystydzienski
519 Evergreen Circle
Worthington, OH 43085
W. Carson Byrd
University of Louisville
Department of Pan-African Studies
Strickler Hall, Room 438
Louisville, KY 40292
University of Louisville
Department of Pan-African Studies
Strickler Hall, Room 438
Louisville, KY 40292
Sarah Ovink
1209 Brook Circle
Blacksburg, VA 24060