Friday, December 13, 2013

ASA 2014 Regular Session--Call for Papers

Dear EMCA members,

As the organizer of next year's ASA Regular Session on Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodology, I would like to encourage you to submit a paper or extended abstract for review.  ASA 2014 will be held in San Francisco from August 16-19, 2014.

The more high quality submissions I receive, the more sessions we will be able to program and enjoy.  So please do submit, and encourage your students and colleagues to submit, by January 8, 2014.

All submissions must be made through the ASA website. Here's how:

Best regards,
Virginia Gill

Monday, December 9, 2013

ASA--2014 Call for papers, Section Session

Hi Everyone:

I'm the organizer for next year's ASA Section Session for EM and CA. This will be held at the ASA's Annual Meeting in San Francisco on August 16-19, 2014.

The official title of the session is: Current Studies in Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis

This session will address classic themes in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis with both theoretical and empirical work that is current. In other words, the studies are to show facets of everyday orderliness in various social fields.

Please think about submitting a paper or an extended abstract for review through the ASA website:

The more high quality papers we can schedule, the better our chances are for increasing the number of panels we offer, so your participation is particularly important.

The deadline for submission is January 8th, 2014.

Please also pass this invitation to others you know who may be considering coming to ASA this year. The EMCA group is pushing to expand membership this year, so if you can encourage your graduate students to join up, that would also be terrific!

I look forward to hearing from you!

With best wishes,
Doug Maynard
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin

Sunday, December 8, 2013

ASA 2014--Call for papers

Hello Everyone:
I am organizing next year's ASA Section Session for EM and CA. This will be held at the ASA's Annual Meeting in San Francisco on August 16-19, 2014.
The official title of the session is: Topics and Methods in EMCA Studies of Work. This session will feature ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies of social interaction, collaboration and practice in institutional or workplace settings, as well as the methodological challenges and innovations involved in conducting them. 
Please consider submitting a paper or an extended abstract for review through the ASA website:
The deadline for submission is January 8th, 2014.
Also, please pass this invitation along to others you know who may be considering attending the ASA meetings. The EMCA group is pushing to expand membership this year, so please encourage your graduate students or colleagues to join.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Bob Moore
IBM Research - Almaden