Friday, December 13, 2013

ASA 2014 Regular Session--Call for Papers

Dear EMCA members,

As the organizer of next year's ASA Regular Session on Conversation Analysis/Ethnomethodology, I would like to encourage you to submit a paper or extended abstract for review.  ASA 2014 will be held in San Francisco from August 16-19, 2014.

The more high quality submissions I receive, the more sessions we will be able to program and enjoy.  So please do submit, and encourage your students and colleagues to submit, by January 8, 2014.

All submissions must be made through the ASA website. Here's how:

Best regards,
Virginia Gill

Monday, December 9, 2013

ASA--2014 Call for papers, Section Session

Hi Everyone:

I'm the organizer for next year's ASA Section Session for EM and CA. This will be held at the ASA's Annual Meeting in San Francisco on August 16-19, 2014.

The official title of the session is: Current Studies in Ethnomethodology & Conversation Analysis

This session will address classic themes in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis with both theoretical and empirical work that is current. In other words, the studies are to show facets of everyday orderliness in various social fields.

Please think about submitting a paper or an extended abstract for review through the ASA website:

The more high quality papers we can schedule, the better our chances are for increasing the number of panels we offer, so your participation is particularly important.

The deadline for submission is January 8th, 2014.

Please also pass this invitation to others you know who may be considering coming to ASA this year. The EMCA group is pushing to expand membership this year, so if you can encourage your graduate students to join up, that would also be terrific!

I look forward to hearing from you!

With best wishes,
Doug Maynard
Department of Sociology
University of Wisconsin

Sunday, December 8, 2013

ASA 2014--Call for papers

Hello Everyone:
I am organizing next year's ASA Section Session for EM and CA. This will be held at the ASA's Annual Meeting in San Francisco on August 16-19, 2014.
The official title of the session is: Topics and Methods in EMCA Studies of Work. This session will feature ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies of social interaction, collaboration and practice in institutional or workplace settings, as well as the methodological challenges and innovations involved in conducting them. 
Please consider submitting a paper or an extended abstract for review through the ASA website:
The deadline for submission is January 8th, 2014.
Also, please pass this invitation along to others you know who may be considering attending the ASA meetings. The EMCA group is pushing to expand membership this year, so please encourage your graduate students or colleagues to join.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Bob Moore
IBM Research - Almaden

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Call for Proposals - ASA 2015 (!) Special Session

ASA 2015 (!) Special Session

Call for Proposals 

ASA have published a call for Special Session proposals that closes on February 5th, 2014. The call is aimed for sessions for the 2015 conference in Chicago.

Details for the call can be found here:

A Special Session proposal involves
Guidelines for Submitting Session Proposals
Thematic Sessions, Special Sessions, and Regional Spotlight Sessions Proposals must include:
                Designation of the session type: Thematic Session; Special Session; Regional Spotlight Session
                Working title for the session;
                Brief description of the substantive focus;
                Rationale for inclusion of the topic on the 2015 program;
                Recommendation(s) for session organizer, including address, telephone, and e-mail information; and
                a list of potential participants including address, telephone, and e-mail information.

At this year’s conference in New York Virginia Gill and Ruth Parry organized a very successful workshop on Teaching CA.

We would like to encourage members to submit proposals for Special Sessions, including workshops, author meets critics, joint sessions with other sections, etc. for consideration to ASA.

Dirk & Erik
(co-chairs ASA Section EMCA)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall 2013 Newsletter!

Dear EMCA members,

The Fall newsletter is here!
Thanks to Laura Loeb for editing.

It features: Reports on the ASA 2013, the IIEMCA conference, and more EMCA Graduate student profiles.
Click on the image below to download.

Enjoy, and let us know what you think.


Erik Vinkhuyzen & Dirk vom Lehn

Monday, September 23, 2013

ASA 2015 thematic and special sessions RFP

Dear EMCA Members,

The 2015(!) conference seems far away but the Call for Proposals for the meeting in Chicago is already out. Aside from the Regular Section Sessions ASA always invites proposals from members that are interested in setting up sessions that address the conference theme and sessions that are not regular (including author meets critics, Special Sessions (join sessions with other sections), workshops, etc.

The theme for the 2015 conference is "Sexualities in the Social World". The deadline to submit a proposal for a Thematic Session is November 13th, 2013

The deadline to submit proposals for Special Sessions, Courses, Workshops, and other kinds of session is February 5th, 2014.

Information including the submission procedure is described on this website:

We would be grateful if you would send us your proposal information as well so that we know what has gone in and can help plan the 2015 program.

Very shortly we will be in touch about the Call for the 2014 meeting in San Francisco.

Best wishes,

Dirk and Erik

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Call for Newsletter contributions

A brief note to members of the ASA EMCA Section

I. Call for Contributions: EMCA Newsletter

We are currently putting gathering material for our Fall Newsletter. For that purpose we are looking for members contributions. Please mail us any of the following for inclusion in the newsletter
* Recent publications by section members
* Calls for papers, proposals, participants, or nominations
* Upcoming conferences and events announcements
* Photos form the ASA 2013 conference
* Reports from conferences related to the section (max 500words)
* Jobs of interest to section members
* Funding opportunities and award competitions of interest to section members
* New jobs, promotions, and awards news about our section members
* We also again look for reports from graduate students who are interested in writing a short piece about their school and their experiences with EMCA

Please send all newsletter submissions to the newsletter editors, Laura Loeb (, by September 30th.

 II. Request for Comments: 
(this from the ASA Committee on the Status of LGBT Persons in Sociology)

The ASA Committee on the Status of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons in Sociology is a committee made up of LGBT and allied ASA members and has existed for several years. As we move forward with new membership, we are interested in learning about experiences of LGBT persons in the field of sociology, and about ideas for the future mission of our committee. We would appreciate any comments, anonymous or otherwise, that you might be willing to send us regarding this subject to

While we encourage responses from any and all LGBT sociologists, we recognize that the field of sociology, both within academia and without, presents unique challenges to LGBT people of color and transgender individuals; therefore, we especially encourage anyone with insight into these challenges to respond in order to help guide future action. We will be holding a workshop at the ASA meeting in San Francisco next year, where we will review these responses and hold a discussion regarding the status of LGBT persons in sociology and what might be done to improve it. As a committee, we will take these comments under advisement as we move forward with our mission, and as we consider our institutional role and relationship with other groups like the LGBT Caucus.


Members of the ASA Committee on the Status of LGBT Persons in Sociology
Nella Van Dyke (chair)
Toni Calasanti
Tey Meadow
CJ Pascoe
Roberta Spalter-Roth (ASA Council liaison)
Tom Waidzunas

III. Minutes of Business Meeting (ASA 2013)

The business meeting was held on Monday, August 12th.
 The co-chairs Dirk vom Lehn and Erik Vinkhuyzen opened the meeting and Ruth Parry, the treasurer presented the section's budget and these were unanimously approved by the membership.  Ruth Parry will look into the Pollner account as it is not accruing much interest.
The co-chairs emphasized the continued need for the section to grow its membership and for all current members to reach out and urge their colleagues to join our section.
Next the awards were presented.
First was the Life-Time Achievement Award, which went to Don Zimmerman, who was present at the meeting through a Skype connection. Doug Maynard presented the award and afterwards a pre-recording of Don Zimmerman's thank you speech was played.
Second, the Pollner Award was presented by John Heritage to David R. Gibson, of the University of Notre Dame, for his book Talk at the Brink: Deliberation and Decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press (2012).
Third, the Book Award was presented by Patrick Watson to Morana Alac of the University of California San Diego, for her book Handling Digital Brains: A Laboratory Study of Multimodal Semiotic Interaction in the Age of Computers (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).
 Fourth, the Graduate Student Paper Award was presented by Tim Halkowski to Chase Wesley Raymond & Ann Elizabeth Clark White for their paper (which Chase presented earlier in the conference): "A Taxonomy of Time Reference in Interaction"
The meeting was closed.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Latest ASA 2013 EMCA Program with Venue Information

Dear EMCA Community,

Laura was so kind to revise the program for the EMCA Sessions once more. Previously ASA had not made available the information for the rooms of the EMCA Sessions. Please download the LATEST Program with room information.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference from tomorrow.

Dirk vom Lehn & Erik Vinkhuyzen

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Updated ASA schedule

Dear EMCA community,

Thanks to John Heritage and Tanya Stivers's lobbying efforts, we have been able to change the Conversation Analysis session from 8:30 on Sunday morning to 2:30pm later that day.  Now there is no more overlap in our sessions, which is wonderful news.
Please check out our updated Summer 2013 newsletter and print out page 10, which now has the correct schedule (thanks, as always to Laura for the quick turn around!). We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Erik Vinkhuyzen Dirk vom Lehn

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer 2013 Newsletter!

Dear EMCA community,

Welcome to the Summer 2013 newsletter of the Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Section.  With the ASA meeting next month, this newsletter naturally focuses on that event where we hope to see many of you in person.  Specifically, note the ASA EMCA schedule, which you should print and bring to the ASA as a handy one page guide of where you should be at what time!  There are 8 sessions. Unfortunately, there are two sessions at the same time.  We urged the ASA to change that but, sadly, we were unsuccessful.

Note that the Business Meeting will be held on Monday, August at 9:30am where we will be presenting the various awards.  You can see who won the awards in this newsletter.  We are grateful for all the committees for their hard work.  Our Social is on Saturday night from 6:30-9:00pm; please come and join us in Rosie O'Grady's. We are continuing the short bios from graduate students
in the field.  In this newsletter, we thought it would be nice to highlight some of the graduate students who are presenting at ASA next month.  If you know graduate students who would like to present themselves in the newsletter, please e-mail us.

Thanks to Laura Loeb for editing the newsletter (she will be presenting at the ASA meeting, so make sure you tell her how much you like the new look).


 Erik Vinkhuyzen & Dirk vom Lehn, co-chairs.

Click on the image below to see the newsletter!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Melvin Pollner Prize in Ethnomethodology 2013

The Pollner Prize Award Committee has announced the winner of the 2013 Pollner Prize.

Members of the committee are: Paul Drew (Loughborough University), John Heritage (Chair) (UCLA), Douglas Maynard (University of Wisconsin, Madison).

The recipient of the 2013 American Sociological Association’s EM/CA Section Pollner Prize is 

David R. Gibson, of the University of Notre Dame, for his book Talk at the Brink: Deliberation and Decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press (2012).

Here is the committee's letter:

"The committee received 3 nominations for this year’s award of the prize. In addition to David Gibson, Tim Berard was nominated for his article entitled Unpacking ‘Institutional Racism’ (published in the journal Schutzian Research); and Robert Garot was nominated for his book Who You Claim: Performing Gang Identity in School and on the Streets (NY: New York University Press, 2010).

The committee discussed each of these nominations in some detail, and agreed that any of the nominations would have been worthy of being awarded the prize. Berard’s article convincingly developed insights from Wittgenstein, Garfinkel, Schutz, Goffman and Sacks to “illuminate the pragmatic, moral reasoning at work in the institutional racism argument” – amounting to an insightful interrogation of the phenomenon of ‘institutional racism’. In Robert Garot’s monograph exploring the nature of gang identity and self-identity, we encountered a nuanced use of in-depth ethnographic interviews from which he provides a realistic and vibrant account of identity and gang membership, and explores the boundaries and shifting contingencies of membership and identity. In the process he does much to demonstrate the weaknesses of a static and monolithic conception of gangs and their members. What impressed us about Gibson’s book was his truly sociological account of the decision making process during the ExComm group’s deliberations in the White House, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Gibson shows that Kennedy did not so much lead a discussion in which all options were rationally appraised, but rather steered a conversation in which certain lines of argumentation and courses of action came to be privileged over others. His account of this process, over several days of the group’s deliberations, was based in Gibson’s innovative use of ‘time-line’ analysis and his careful and detailed analysis of the interaction between Kennedy and members of his advisory group. Gibson's analysis offers a vivid picture of the conversations themselves, of the avenues that were developed or remained unexplored in the formulation of the US response, and of the contingencies that were associated with some avenues being developed and others dropped. This is a notable study."

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Book award

The Book Award committee has announced the winner of the 2013 Book Award.
The members of the committee: 

Patrick Watson (University of Waterloo)
Christian Greiffenhagen (University of Nottingham)
Michael Lynch (Cornell University)

Morana Alac
Handling Digital Brains: A Laboratory Study of Multimodal Semiotic Interaction in the Age of Computers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

The section is very grateful to them for their careful work.  We look forward to honoring Morana at the ASA this summer in New York.

Here is the committee's letter:

"We are pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2013 American Sociological

Association’s EM/CA Section Book Award is Morana Alac of the University of California San Diego, for her book Handling Digital Brains: A Laboratory Study of Multimodal Semiotic Interaction in the Age of Computers (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).

The committee evaluated eight volumes; four single authored works and four edited collections.  While all contributed to the fields of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (and furthermore, linguistics), two in particular stood out as contributions that moved the field in definite directions (honourable mention to Baudouin Dupret’s [2011] Adjudication in Action: An Ethnomethodology of Law, Morality and Justice Surrey: Ashgate).

Alac’s book examines the ways assorted scientists (cognitive scientists, psychologists, neuroscientists) use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and the resultant digital image outputs to draw conclusions about brains, minds, vision, task accomplishment and so forth.  The book analyzes the use of gestures towards the brain images on computer screens (what Alac describes as “multimodal semiotic interaction”) and how these gestures, images and the resultant discussion are used to build consensus amongst the co-present scientists on what the data on the screen are telling them about human minds. 

Several chapters of the book (3-6) focus on experienced doctoral/post-doctoral researchers (“Old-Timers”) instructing neophyte researchers (“Newcomers”) on the practices of seeing and making see-able the different forms of data displayed on the screen.  Effectively, a combination of speech, gesture and image analysis (and image preparation) play a role in showing the “Newcomer” what is present before their eyes in and as fMRI data.

The book is of interest to a number of audiences: perhaps, first and foremost, researchers interested in the relations among instructions, gestures and learning in scientific settings.  The wider Science and Technologies Studies community will take interest in the combination of approaches, and the relatively novel combination of semiotics with EM/CA.  The book also was the most successful of
those submitted at integrating Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic concerns and discussions, providing a fine exemplar of how the two approaches can effectively be used together.  The committee noted that this was one of the deciding factors, as the book will be of interest to both of the constituent communities of the awarding body.

The committee would like to thank those who nominated books for consideration, and again commend members of the field for their efforts.  We took great pleasure reviewing these works, and wish to recognize all authors and editors for their exceptional work."

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Graduate Student Paper Award

Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Graduate Student Paper Award

The awarding committee comprised of:
Jon Hindmarsh, King's College London, UK
Tim Halkowski, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, US
and Eric Laurier, University of Edinburgh, UK

Chase Wesley Raymond & Ann Elizabeth Clark White 
"A Taxonomy of Time Reference in Interaction"

This award recognises an outstanding paper written by a graduate student that addresses ethnomethodological and/or conversation analytic topics and literature. This year, the competition attracted a wide range of impressive submissions, demonstrating the quality and indeed international reach of doctoral work in EMCA.

Before announcing the winner, the committee are keen to single out one paper for honourable mention. They wish to recognise the impressive analytic work of Matthew Hollander from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who submitted an innovative paper on forms of resistance evident in interactions between those involved in the Stanley Milgram obedience experiments. This is a very thoughtful, insightful piece of analysis and the committee are sure that it will develop into a significant contribution to EMCA and beyond.

That being said, the committee are unanimous in awarding the prize for the best stand-alone paper to a lucid and engaging treatment of a surprisingly under-researched area in the field namely time reference in social interaction. While CA has developed a substantial body of work concerning place and person reference for example, there have been surprisingly few considerations of the ways in which time is invoked and thus this paper takes us into uncharted territory. It has established new avenues of inquiry on absolute and event relative categorisations of time. The paper is deeply ethnomethodological in that it artfully initiates a re-specification of time as a members practical concern. The committee is extremely impressed with the care, thought, rigour and clarity of writing in the piece. Therefore the committee are delighted to give the 2013 Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Graduate Student Paper Award to Chase Wesley Raymond & Ann Elizabeth Clark White, two graduate students from UCLA whose joint paper is entitled 'A Taxonomy of Time Reference in Interaction'.

Friday, June 7, 2013

ASA EMCA Lifetime Achievement Award

The section’s Lifetime Achievement Award Committee this Spring enthusiastically endorsed the letters in support of Don Zimmerman, Emeritus Professor of Sociology at University of California- Santa Barbara, who has been selected as the 2013 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Sociological Association section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis.  Several letters of nomination and support from prominent colleagues attested to Don Zimmerman’s significant contributions over many decades of individual and collaborative scholarship, teaching, and professional service. 

Among his many contributions, letters noted his importance for providing early and accessible illustrations and expositions of foundational ethnomethodological insights, and his influential studies on topics including the accomplishment of gender through talk and the conversational organization of emergency calls. Also noted were his importance as a mentor and thesis supervisor for dozens of younger colleagues, and a variety of professional service accomplishments including contributions to conference organizing, book editing, and his service as Editor of the journal Research on Language and Social Interaction (ROLSI). The several letters reflected a consistent understanding across  a variety of vantage points of a remarkable, multi-dimensional career spanning half a century and more, and making appreciated, influential contributions, including to a broader understanding of what ethnomethodology is about, how it can be productively related to conversation analysis, and how both can be applied in such a manner as opens up innovative, insightfuland important new lines of social inquiry.

[Committee members this year were Tim BerardLorenza Mondada, and Jack Whalen]

Short Selected Publicatio by Don H. Zimmerman
[for a more extensive list see here]

Boden, D., and D. Zimmerman. 1991. Talk and Social Structure. Cambridge: Polity Press.

West, Candace, and Don H. Zimmerman. 1987. “Doing Gender.” Doing Gender 1 (2): 125–151.

Whalen, J, and DH Zimmerman. 1998. “Observations on the Display and Management of Emotion in Naturally Occurring Activities: The Case of‘ Hysteria’ in Calls to 9-1-1.” Social Psychology Quarterly 61 (2): 141–159.

Whalen, J, DH Zimmerman, and R Whalen Marilyn. 1988. “When Words Fail: A Single Case Analysis.” Soc. Probs. 35 (4): 335-362.

Wilson, TP, and DH Zimmerman. 1986. “The Structure of Silence Between Turns in Twoparty Conversation.” Discourse Processes, 9, 375-90

Zimmerman, DH. 1974. “Fact as a Practical Accomplishment.” in R. Turner (ed.), Ethnomethodology. Harmondsworth: Penguin: 128-143.

Zimmerman, DH. 1970. “The Practicalities of Rule Use.” in J. Douglas (ed.) Understanding Everyday Life. Chicago: Aldine: 285-295.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

ASA EMCA 2013 Conference Program (New York City)

Dear EMCA-ers,

A few updates on the ASA's Annual Conference in New York in August.  The conference schedule has been posted, and you can take a look at it online.
As we have announced before, we have 8 sessions, and are looking forward to them all.  Below is the schedule (You will notice that, unfortunately, two sessions are at the same time.  We have contacted the ASA about this and asked them to change it, but they were unable to accommodate us).
We will also have a social.  It will happen on Saturday night, August 10, in ROSIE O' GRADY'S, and restaurant close the conference hotels.  We hope you can all join us there.

All in all, a very solid program in a great city.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Best, Erik & Dirk

On Saturday August 10th, from 6:30 -9:00pm

Conversation Analysis 1
Sat Aug 10 2013, 8:30 to 10:10am

Session Organizer: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Doing ‘How I’m Coming Here’: Displaying a State of Being when Opening Face-to-Face Interaction
*Danielle Pillet-Shore (University of New Hampshire)
Accounting for delay in answering quantity questions in Primary Care visits: A Provisional Sketch
*Timothy Halkowski (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point)
Patient disclosure of medical misdeeds
*Clara Ann Blomgren Bergen (University of California-Los Angeles), Tanya Stivers (University of California-Los Angeles)
Making a Complaint in Evacuee-Volunteer Interaction
*Kaoru Hayano (Ochanomizu University)
Ethics in action: Consent-gaining interactions and implications for research practice
*Susan A. Speer (University of Manchester, UK), Elizabeth Stokoe (Loughborough University)

Conversation Analysis 2
Sat Aug 10 2013, 10:30 to 12:10pm

Title Displayed in Event Calendar: Regular Session. Conversation Analysis 2
Session Participants:
Session Organizer: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
A Typology of Time Reference in Conversation
*Chase Wesley Raymond (University of California-Los Angeles), *Anne White (University of California-Los Angeles)
The world of interaction between “A” and “I”: One way questions set agendas in Polish
*Matylda Weidner (University of Antwerp)
Pursuing answers to questions in broadcast journalism
*Tanya Romaniuk (York University)
Indicating epistemic distance of the referent: Uses of name-quoting descriptors in Japanese
*Shuya Kushida (Osaka Kyoiku University)
Opening up sequence organization: Some occasions in which speakers formulate “out of place” sequence initiating actions.
*Geoffrey Raymond (University of California-Santa Barbara)

EMCA Social
Sat Aug 10 2013, 06:30 to 09:00pm
NEW YORK, NY 10019
TELEPHONE: 212.582.2975

Conversation Analysis 3

Sun Aug 11 2013, 8:30 to 10:10am

Session Organizer: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: John Heritage (University of California-Los Angeles) 
How to do things with requests: Requesting at the family dinner table
*Jenny Mandelbaum (State University of New Jersey-Rutgers)
The sequence organization of empathy: An analysis of the evacuee-volunteer interaction in Fukushima
*Satomi Kuroshima (Meiji Gakuin University)
The Interactional Organization of Multiple Activities in "Footbath Volunteer Activity" in Fukushima
*Aug Nishizaka (Meiji Gakuin University)
Negotiating understanding in “intercultural moments” in conversation
*Galina Bolden (State University of New Jersey-Rutgers)

Ethnomethodology 2
Sun Aug 11 2013, 8:30 to 10:10am

Ethnomethodology: Studies of Everyday Life
Session Organizer: Tanya Stivers (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: Tanya Stivers (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Body method of interpretation in Japanese card game.
*Hiromichi Hosoma (University of Shiga Prefecture)
In pursuit of some appreciation: Assessables, group membership and second stories
*Maryanne Theobald (Queensland University of Technology), *Edward John Reynolds (University of Queensland)
When Gestures Complete a Story: Audience Participation in the Co-construction of Narratives of Trauma
*Ingrid Norrmann-Vigil (University of California-Los Angeles)
Numbers Matter: Multiparty talk during family mealtime
*Gillian Roslyn Busch (Central Queensland University), *Susan Danby (Queensland University of Technology)
In this panel authors discuss data from studies involving the everyday lived experience. Settings include playing cards, mealtime conversation and narratives of experience.

Ethnomethodology 1
Sun Aug 11 2013, 10:30 to 12:10pm

Ethnomethodology: A Consideration of the Method
Session Organizer: Tanya Stivers (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: Alison Pilnick (University of Nottingham) 
Ayer, Schutz and Garfinkel: Ethnomethodology and the impossibility of a social SCIENCE
*Richard Heyman (University of Calgary)
Respecifying the Work of a Discovering Science with Video Materials in Hand
*Philippe Sormani (University of Vienna)
I’m Thrilled that You See That: Seeing Success in Interactions with Deaf and Autistic Children
*Alison Pilnick (University of Nottingham), Deborah James (University of Northumbria)
"Mixing" Methods in the Social Sciences: The Interplay of Qualitative and Quantitative Work in Sociological Research
*Michael Mair (University of Liverpool), *Christian Greiffenhagen (University of Loughborough), W. W. Sharrock (University of Manchester)
This panel reflects on ethnomethodology as a method and considers what kind of study it leads to, the kinds of data used ethnomethodologists rely on, the sorts of questions studied and when and how qualitative and quantitative methods can be mixed.

Ethnomethodology 3
Sun Aug 11 2013, 2:30 to 4:10pm

Ethnomethodology: Studies of the Workplace
Session Organizer: Tanya Stivers (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Presider: Chase Wesley Raymond (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Ending the Spectacular: A Multimodal Study of Consequential Work in Street Performing Circle-Shows
*Tim Smith (University of Edinburgh)
Joint Activity: Understanding understanding in dental tuition
*Lewis Hyland (King's College London)
Speaking to the market: Earnings calls in corporate America
*Guy J Edwards (University of Cambridge)
Timework: An Occupational Ethnography of Sea Kayak Guides
*Anne White (University of California-Los Angeles)
From street performers to dental school, from corporate phone calls to guiding kayaks, this panel uses ethnomethodology to examine people in the workplace.

Ethnomethodological Studies of Work and Organization (one-hour)
Mon Aug 12 2013, 8:30 to 9:30am

Session Organizer: Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School) 
Presider: Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School) 
In-Passing Work Interactions at the Hospital
*Esther Gonzalez-Martinez (University of Fribourg), *Kim Lê Van (University of Fribourg)
Member Accounts in the Assessment of Professional Competence
*Mehmet Ali Icbay (Southern Illinois University), Timothy Koschmann (Southern Illinois University)
Micro-Stories and Macro-Facts: Business-Style Management, Knowledge Inequity and Doing the Work of Governance
*Patrick G. Watson (University of Waterloo)
Requesting help with null or limited knowledge: entitlements and responsibility in emergency calls
*Giolo Fele (University of Trento)
Discussant: Nick Llewellyn (Warwick Business School) 

Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Business Meeting 
Mon Aug 12 2013, 9:30 to 10:10am

Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis
Linking Micro and Macro: Ethnomethodological and Conversation Analytic Contributions
Mon Aug 12 2013, 10:30 to 12:10pm

Session Organizer: Timothy Halkowski (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point) 
Presider: Steven E. Clayman (University of California-Los Angeles) 
Fixating on the macro-micro problem: An ethnomethodological treatment of interrogation
*Michael Lynch (Cornell University)
The Micropolitics of Legitimacy: Question-Answer Sequences and the Sociopolitical Landscape
*Steven E. Clayman (University of California-Los Angeles)
Addressing the inequality of a political configuration. A praxiological examination of “micro-macro issues”.
*Alain Bovet (Centre for the Study of Social Movements)
Systematically reviewing conversation analytic and related discursive research to inform healthcare: An illustrated example
*Ruth Helen Parry (University of Nottingham), Land Victoria (Independent Researcher, York, UK)
Practices of Talk Show Interviewing
*Laura Loeb

Teaching Workshop: Practical Experience and Methods of Introducing Conversation Analysis to Audiences Who are New to this Approach
Tue Aug 13 2013, 10:30 to 12:10pm

Session Organizer: Ruth Helen Parry (University of Nottingham) 
Session Organizer: Virginia Teas Gill (Illinois State University) 
Leader: Ruth Helen Parry (University of Nottingham) 
Co-Leader: Virginia Teas Gill (Illinois State University) 
Panelist: Timothy Halkowski (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point) 
Panelist: Elizabeth Stokoe (Loughborough University) 
Panelist: Jörg Bergmann (University of Bielefeld) 
The perspectives and methods of conversation analysis are increasingly used within sociological investigations in arenas such as health and illness, the analysis of culture, of human relationships, of occupational work and practice, and in feminist enquiry. Conversation analysis offers a strongly empirical and systematic means of analysing the social organisation of interaction. Given its applications within sociological enquiries, it is increasingly taught within sociology degree and postgraduate courses. Furthermore, sociologists are starting to incorporate conversation analysis within the training they deliver to others – most commonly within medical school curricula, but also in areas such as business and management.
Part of the rationale for this workshop is that whilst there are many individual sociologists designing and delivering teaching of conversation analysis, there has been limited dialogue on this topic between these individuals, and there is no central repository and community for which teaching of conversation analysis forms the focus. The workshop will constitute an important developmental step towards sharing established and innovative practice.

This workshop draws upon a ‘teaching conversation analysis’ workshop we convened at a previous ASA conference. It drew a substantial and engaged audience. The theme of our proposed 2013 workshop: ‘Introducing conversation analysis to those unfamiliar with it’, emerged as of great interest amongst those who attended the previous event. The goals will be:
- To articulate and share experiences of those who communicate CA to various audiences including sociology and social psychology undergraduates, undergraduates in healthcare professions, research colleagues and health and social care professionals
- To provide a forum for discussing challenges and strategies with regards first introductions of CA to audiences unfamiliar with it
- To introduce specific resources spanning the design, modalities of delivery, and assessment and evaluation of teaching. Including ICT resources, pedagogical approaches, and practical exercises

Intended audience: postgraduate and faculty sociologists from a broad range of backgrounds who themselves teach, or may in the future be in a position to teach conversation analytic methods and perspectives to sociologists and others
Sociologists with broad interests in communicating practical methods and sociological perspectives to a variety of audiences